Chasing Passions..

Ever got that feeling when you want to just ignore the world and be with that special someone..?

You are bound to have gone through it.

Wanting to do nothing but just sit by a river bank, with your legs touching the surface of the water, keeping your head on his shoulders and holding hands looking at the tea-rose colored skies.

Admiring nature.. Feeling your surroundings.


Loving life.

Perfect in every way.

Or maybe having a walk down at the beach, barefooted, holding hands looking at the violent waves gently cascading through others and gently settling at the shores with a soft humm..


Nine letters that will make your heart softer, your world happier.’

Simple gestures like holding hands, Hugging someone you love, looking into your lovers eyes or seeing them smile.

Normal things like these are capable of doing marvels to your mood and well-being.

Being around people who matter rather then being with those who don’t can affect one’s mindset in ways that one can’t imagine.

Having someone to say that they care about you and that they love you, Gives you a feeling that cannot be described in any form.  Knowing that your existence affects someone in a good way, and that you mean something to someone can at times make life meaningful and give you a purpose  to be happy.

At times even the look in the eyes of my dog is enough to turn my tears into a smile.

It doesn’t matter how they look, what they do or where they come from.

Always accept people who love you, the way they are.

And love them till eternity.

For live is short, and love is rare.

Affection is scarce as much as love is.

Its like what life is for someone who’s dying.

‘So take it as it comes and those who love you, love them back’