Nidicolous no more..


When You see her with him, shes a slut, when you see him with so many of them, Hes a stud. The hero, the playboy..  She is stared at, shunned from society.

Its like she has done something out of her morals and ethics.

Why? Is she not human?

Can she not love?

He wants a girlfriend, but he doesn’t want his daughter to be with anyone? Agreed he is protective, but shouldn’t he talk things out with her before being so presumptuously judgmental.

How is that possible?

Why does she become wrong in loving someone early?

Why can he do what he pleases? Is he a god-child?

Didn’t  he get birth from the womb of a woman?

How would he be on earth if his mother would’ve never met his father?

This is the 21st century.

Times are changing and so should your mentality. People need to be a little more open-minded and look at things in a new way with a new perspective.

Don’t let your future generations suffer because of your ancestry dominance for they were born in a different time.