Intensely Intimate.

There are three sides to every individual.

The side one shows to others, The inner self and the side others would never want to see.

But there is another secret inner being inside all of us too.

The one who’s a little more dear than our conscience and a little less selfish than our ego.

And this little self wants to be understood by others.

Understood by the ones who’re dear, understood by the ones who you want should understand.

But sadly, that little being inside is always lies there. Alone, misunderstood, tormented and kept down, pushed benetah everythig else.

And one day, or occasionally it erupts.

It throws you off balance, it wants attention, it wants to be understood.

But in that eruption, it never is really understood, but dragged in the dark even more.

Dragged to the forbidden kingdom, dragged far away from where it wanted to be.

Far into the deepest hideout of your soul.

And after a while, like all of us, it cools down.

But only for a while.

It wants to be heard, it wants to be fondled.

But all it always gets is negligence.

Hoping, my inner being lives at peace and finds his way out in the light.

All i can do, is hope for the best.

And understand that understanding others is not as well understood as it should be.

Touch Me through Music.

Tonight, I Want all of you tonight..

Give me everything tonight..

For all we know, we might not get tomorrow….

Music has the power of taking you places.

Music has the power to be with you through life’s different phases.

Music touches your soul and makes it whole..

Our choice of genres fluctuate with our moods.

And whats makes it special, is that there is a song for every mood and every situation which fits perfectly.

And despite being of little importance otherwise, it fits the pieces of the puzzle correctly when you need it to.

Musicians have the potential to affect our minds and soothe them or influence them in way more drastic then you can possibly imagine.

That, is why musicians play such an important role in our life.

And those who make songs portraying our lives to some extent become our obvious favorites.

It is more than just a money making business, It is more than what we expect it to be.

It is more than what it appears to be.

It is more to you as it is more to me.

For when you think who your soul companion through hardships was.

And you’ll realize it was always Music of course

Minus 49 shades of Grey.




Is this all that is left of your life?

Go out look at the birds fly, listen to the waves glisten in the sun, listen to the nature sing.

Get a life. Get on your feet, not on your bed.

Pleasure makes you feel good, it stimulates your life. But all work and no play will surely make jack a dull and sore (pun intended) boy.

Men want sex, woman are desperate. Who is left?

Rape, child abuse, pre-marital sex, extra marital affairs, teenage pregnancies and all such sex related issues are all we hear of today.

There is no other news left.

From having 60 yeard old men wrongly use his teenage grand daughter to older woman having extra-marital affairs with the younger clan.

Get a serious life, people.

Theres a lot out there in this world..

Outside your bedroom.

Walk down a bit, open the door and go out of your house.

Live. Laugh. Rejoice.

Life is sinking and time is passing like sand between our fingers.

There is a lot to be learnt, even more to be achieved.

Learn new things, enrich your life.

Love and be loved.

Live and let live.

Don’t let your sexual and physical needs take you off track or spoil your or someones elses life.

Achieve your goals and do your week all week.

let sex be kept for the weekend.

If you know what I Mean..

Always think twice. Make the right choice

and stay protected. 


Chasing Passions..

Ever got that feeling when you want to just ignore the world and be with that special someone..?

You are bound to have gone through it.

Wanting to do nothing but just sit by a river bank, with your legs touching the surface of the water, keeping your head on his shoulders and holding hands looking at the tea-rose colored skies.

Admiring nature.. Feeling your surroundings.


Loving life.

Perfect in every way.

Or maybe having a walk down at the beach, barefooted, holding hands looking at the violent waves gently cascading through others and gently settling at the shores with a soft humm..


Nine letters that will make your heart softer, your world happier.’

Simple gestures like holding hands, Hugging someone you love, looking into your lovers eyes or seeing them smile.

Normal things like these are capable of doing marvels to your mood and well-being.

Being around people who matter rather then being with those who don’t can affect one’s mindset in ways that one can’t imagine.

Having someone to say that they care about you and that they love you, Gives you a feeling that cannot be described in any form.  Knowing that your existence affects someone in a good way, and that you mean something to someone can at times make life meaningful and give you a purpose  to be happy.

At times even the look in the eyes of my dog is enough to turn my tears into a smile.

It doesn’t matter how they look, what they do or where they come from.

Always accept people who love you, the way they are.

And love them till eternity.

For live is short, and love is rare.

Affection is scarce as much as love is.

Its like what life is for someone who’s dying.

‘So take it as it comes and those who love you, love them back’

Not into my Cat..

Wearing red hot pants and a white semi see through top..

With her hair hanging low and her hips swaying from left to right.

Yes, The ‘modern age woman’

Another one, wearing hoodies, a pair of converse shoes with her head banging to the music of the god of rock and black metal.

Yes, the ‘modern age woman’…

She has grown…

She has achieved, she has come to the level of men.

Hopefully so, At least thats what it looks like.

Crossing the age of 13, her body began to mature, her figure became more prominently visible, she became a ‘lady’.

Happy she was, but the worries were more.

Forever to remain.

When she went away from home..

Keeping an eye open to everyone around her, trusting no one and believing no men, that surround her.

This is the current situation.

Where a girl, cannot and I Repeat CAN NOT move around the city or the country without having a fear of being raped in her mind.

Of being used and misused by men, heartless, ruthless men. Who consider woman as only a means to satisfy their hungry desires for pleasure.

What? So hungry for sex..? Why don’t you go to a call-girl instead?

Be it Delhi, the capital or should I Say the ‘crime capital’ as well, to the urban Mumbai.. No place is safe. No man, worth trusting.

The saddest part is that people have lost their sanity in their thirst for pleasure, to the sense that age has seized to become a barrier. 60-70 Year old men rape tender 7-8 Year old children.

What has gone wrong with the minds of today’s men..

Being a female myself, its horrifying to think of yourself being in that situation.

Crowded by unknown men, ripping your clothes off, touching your privates and getting into your vaginas forcefully.

‘No, I’m not a public toy.. I Have my privacy..’, I Would want to scream.

But I Wont be heard until it crosses the limit and I Get seriously wounded or maybe Die.

This country does not get up from its sleep unless a life is lost.

With a fear in my heart and depression in my eyes, I Walk outside my house, covering myself as much as possible so as not to be pointed out at or misused

– Every Indian Woman

Take me for Granted..

Scene 1, Act 1

*Is trying to call someone*

*Phone is not reachable*

——After Two Hours———

*Is trying to call someone*

*No one answers*

*Is slightly worried*

——After 30 mins————-

*Is trying to call someone*

*Phone is not answered*

*Starts pacing around in tension*


*No reply*

—–After 10 mins————–

*Checks phone*

*No reply*

*Gets worried* 

*Tries calling someone*

*No reply*

*Is sweating with tension and anxiety*


Scene 2, Act 2

*Phone vibrates* 

*Is Driving*

*Phone Vibrates*

*Is having dinner*

*Phone vibrates* 

*Is talking to another friend*

*Phone Vibrates*

*Dads in the same room*


What happens Next?


If your phone happens to have vibrated so many times wont it be urgent, you think?

Oh, wait.. But no.. No one important will be calling me anyway.


Oh, wait.. Its my girlfriend..

Well, It must be just the usual.

I’ll call her back some other time.. 

 Finally the call Back..


No, You do not take me for granted.. Even if I Have nothing important to talk about.

I Am making an effort.. RESPECT IT… 

Here, I Worry about you so much and you just sit there whiling away and having a grand sweet time.

How and where does it work that way?


This is for all those who don’t pick up calls, reply to text messages really late or even ignore calls just for random timepass.

People are not calling because they obsesses you, It is their luck and necessity that they have to do so..

Not the ones who message you in a blue or purple moon but at least those who care.


One single message is all it takes.


(But that doesn’t mean you annoy people with texting and calling unnecessarily all day)


Dont take others for granted.

People care for you.

Value it..




Nidicolous no more..


When You see her with him, shes a slut, when you see him with so many of them, Hes a stud. The hero, the playboy..  She is stared at, shunned from society.

Its like she has done something out of her morals and ethics.

Why? Is she not human?

Can she not love?

He wants a girlfriend, but he doesn’t want his daughter to be with anyone? Agreed he is protective, but shouldn’t he talk things out with her before being so presumptuously judgmental.

How is that possible?

Why does she become wrong in loving someone early?

Why can he do what he pleases? Is he a god-child?

Didn’t  he get birth from the womb of a woman?

How would he be on earth if his mother would’ve never met his father?

This is the 21st century.

Times are changing and so should your mentality. People need to be a little more open-minded and look at things in a new way with a new perspective.

Don’t let your future generations suffer because of your ancestry dominance for they were born in a different time.

All you need is love.. Literally!

The gentle plains and angles of his body, In agony and stress, For he bore the weight of the world. The world which lay below him. 

As he lay on top of her, with his body touching hers and his hands holding her back, engulfed into each other, her hands holding the back of his body tightly and mourning in the pain and pleasure of togetherness and that unique feeling of love. 

Of the touch of his lips on her neck and his breath felt by the cells on her face. The feeling of being one, of being together and surreal. Of knowing what ‘love’ means, Of knowing what ‘love’ is.

His angular body meeting her curvy features, that bliss and glory of perfection and complimentary sensuality. The feeling of being loved, the feeling of knowing someone is there for you. The feeling of life.

Of bonding in a way no one else has the right to.

Of loving the other to an extent that cannot be expressed by words.

Of loving completely and perfectly.

Love is a feeling hard to describe, though being as addictive as a drug addiction may be, its one of the necessities of human life. 

“The feeling of being love and the feeling of loving someone” is something that can’t be expressed or compared.

It is an eternal feeling..